Sunday, October 27, 2013

HUGE Fall Sale!

Here's just a very small sampling of some of the items available during my fall sale!  There's so much good stuff that you have got to go check it out!  It's only going to be up and running until tomorrow night AND everything is on sale!  Woo hoo!
Here's the link to the facebook album.  Just comment with your email address to purchase!  Thanks!

I had a great time at Franklin's Pumpkinfest and will be posting photos from there soon!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Show us Your Life - Marriage Advice

Today I am participating the Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life series. I do this every once in a while mostly because I love going through and reading all of the others! It's fun to get ideas, advice, and see how others do things.

Today's topic is marriage advice. I have been married for over sixteen years and am not pretending to have it all figured out or that I have a perfect marriage. I don't know that there is such a thing. Maybe that is my advice...don't pretend. We're not perfect. We get on each other's nerves sometimes. We even have fusses and different opinions. However, the fact is that when we married, we married forever. We have to find a way to forgive and meet in the middle.

My advice is nothing new. In fact, it is very old. Bible old. When I was asked to paint this canvas a while back, it was like my own thoughts in someone else's words. Forgiving each other's faults because of your love...I couldn't have said it better myself!

It also helps that we enjoy each other's company. We laugh a lot. We are opposites, so instead of arguing and trying to change each other, we balance each other out. We have date nights. Now I am off to do some reading. I can't wait to see all of the advice!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

In the Pumpkin Patch!

Whew...I have painted a lot of pumpkins!  Since returning from vacation, I've been trying to fill fall orders as quickly as possible so everyone can enjoy their fall art.  I've also been painting lots to take with me to Pumpkinfest.  It's this Saturday and I'm getting nervous!
This super cute 11x14 is for one of fellow teachers and good friend, Natalie Miller.  She totally came up with the design...I just followed directions!

This one is shipping out to one of my best customers, Kayla Young, in Shelbyville.  I usually do this design on a much bigger canvas.  It was a bit of a challenge to scale it down, but it turned out great!

Here's a big grouping of some of the pumpkins going with me to the craft show.  As you can see, I've been doing a lot of black and white chevron and dots!

I just love the little 5x5 canvas blocks.  They are perfect to sit on the mantle or kitchen counter.

Here's a pumpkin with a large monogram in the center.  This design will look fabulous year after year - never go out of style! to start on some snowmen!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Back To Reality...

We've been thoroughly enjoying our fall break!  It's so nice to have the week off with the kids.  We have gone to Perdido Key, Florida for the past few years and love it.  It's a really small town and there's nothing to do but go to the beach and relax.  Just what the doctor ordered!

I have a few paintings that I just haven't gotten around to sharing.  This one was shipped out a few weeks ago to one of my favorite customers!  I remember this song.  She asked for neutrals with a touch of crimson.  I think it turned out really pretty.

The masterpiece painting is the matching one to a sister piece that I did a long time ago.  I think it's sweet that little brother wanted one, too!
This zebra and hot pink print is a teacher canvas that went all the way to Texas!

This orange, white, and light blue canvas was ordered by a teacher friend for her niece's birthday.  She the ultimate Tennessee Vols fan!  I think the chevron background with the circle center is so cute!

While I am home from Florida, I am preparing for Pumpkinfest.  It is this coming Saturday!!!  That's soon and I've got a ton to do.  I'll be taking orders again on October 27.  Be getting those holiday lists ready!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Happily Ever After...

Jessica Alford is my daughter's third grade teacher.  We'd never met until she cam to Centertown this year.  I have to admit that Lauren was a little nervous about having a "new teacher", but Mrs. Alford has been so sweet to her.  She's won Lauren over!

Jessica has a really sweet little girl, Aubrey Lee.  She wanted something for her room in their new house.  She asked for chevron, pinks and purples, and this wonderful quote.  I added some rhinestones to the crown because it sounds like Aubrey is a typical girlie girl!!

I did this one as an experiment for one of my summer art classes.  I added some really special touches and think it turned out really pretty.   There's lots of shading on the castle and the sky is full of stars.  When you see it in person, it has a fine coating of glitter for added sparkle!

I added the wording with a little girl's room or playroom in mind, but how perfect would this be for a princess themed wedding or shower decoration?
This is a 16x20 and is immediately available for $45.00.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Show Us Your Life - Working Moms

Today's "Show Us Your Life" from the Kelly's Korner series is featuring working moms. I think all moms are working moms! I am an art and science teacher, both at Tennessee Tech University and Centertown Elementary School. I am also an artist. All of the artwork on this blog was hand painted by me! I love what I do and am very proud to share with you all today. You can browse the blog and use the search box to see lots more examples.

Lauren is my eight year old daughter. She is such a girlie-girl and I could not be happier about that. She loves purses, shoes, and hairbows. She likes to shop, fashion, pageants, ballet, and pretty much anything that sparkles! She's my sweet girl and I just love her so much.

Carter is my twelve year old son.  He looks way more grown up now, but this picture was convenient!  If my daughter is a girlie-girl, my son is all boy. He and his dad are just two peas in a pod! He loves all things sports related, I mean all things. He loves to read and has this way of thinking that just blows my mind. He is so smart and sees stats and numbers totally different than I do. No matter how big he gets, he will always be my baby boy.

When we are not at school, we love to travel. Every chance we get, we are going somewhere interesting. While we love to lounge by the pool and sleep late, we also like to get out and do and see whatever the area has to offer. We've done everything from zip lining to snorkeling to dune buggy racing!

We do have rules for work and play. We do fuss and fight from time to time. We do love each other, try to be kind, worship God, laugh a lot, learn a lot, and try to have fun along the way.
I am off to enjoy reading about all of the other busy working moms out there! Thanks so much for visiting today!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Break!

So, it's almost fall break time!  I could not be more ready for a little time off.  I am looking forward to just resting and spending some much needed quality time with my family.  With that being said, the school year is just flying by.  I can't believe the first nine weeks are already gone!

I always paint bunches of teacher canvases in the summer and at the start of the school year...I'm still going strong!  Heather Shehane was my contest winner a while back.  Here's the design she chose.  I love it!

This one was an etsy order that shipped out for Mrs. Kelley.  She chose the classic apple that I love on the black background.  I had a bit of apple ribbon that went so well with the gingham.

Kris Ann Stanley is a new teacher who wanted a bright monogram for her classroom door.  I really like how the S turned out.  This one will be seen all the way down the hallway!

Finally, my teaching partner, Beverly Crouch, ordered this one as a gift for her student teacher.  I thought that was such a sweet idea.  I know Mrs. Higgins is going to be a great teacher and now has a little something for her first classroom.

 Remember that I am closed until October 26.  Be ready with those Christmas orders when I open back up!  Enjoy your fall break, too!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Birth Announcement Canvas

Here's a new spin on an old favorite!  Emily Lucado asked for an 8x24 in grays and navy blue to go with a vintage airplane nursery - how cool!  Notice the way the stripes inside the frame are opposite those outside the frame.

She wanted the name and the birth announcement information on the canvas.  I had to work the traditional design a bit to get it all on there.  I ended up using a box to separate the information.  I love how it turned out!

It's clean and simple, but still has all those nice little details like dashes around the border and lots of highlighting.  Thank you so much for the order, Emily!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Power is intoxicating. Everyone loves having the ability to make their decisions into reality — to think "this should be something that happens," and then actually be able to make that thing happen. 

It is also dangerous. 

And it is especially dangerous when applied to four-year-olds. 

Four-year-olds lack the experience to wield power responsibly. They have no idea what to do with it or how to control it.

But they like it.

The dinosaur costume was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me. The previous Halloween, which was the first Halloween I could actually remember, my parents had dressed me as a giant crayon, and the whole experience had been really uncomfortable for me.

But being a dinosaur felt natural.

And powerful. 

The feeling had been slowly intensifying ever since I put the costume on that morning, and, as I stood there in the middle of the classroom, staring off into the distance in an unresponsive power trance, it finally hit critical mass.

I had to find some way to use it. Any way. Immediately.

The other children screamed and fled. The teacher chased me, yelling at me to stop. But I couldn't stop.  I was a mindless juggernaut, a puppet for forces far greater than myself. I had completely lost control of my body. 

All I knew was that being a dinosaur felt very different from being a person, and I was doing things that I had never even dreamed of doing before.

Of course, I had always had the ability to do these things — even as a person — but I didn't know that. I'd just assumed that I was unable.  As a dinosaur, I didn't have any of those assumptions.  It felt like I could do whatever I wanted without fear of repercussions.

The repercussions were also exactly the same as they were before I became a dinosaur.

I just experienced them differently.

My parents had to come pick me up at noon that day.  The teacher explained that it must have been all the Halloween candy.  "Some kids really can't handle sugar," she said.  "It turns them into little monsters."

I suppose it was a reasonable enough conclusion, but it only served as a distraction from the real problem.

The thing about being an unstoppable force is that you can really only enjoy the experience of being one when you have something to bash yourself against. You need to have things trying to stop you so that you can get a better sense of how fast you are going as you smash through them. And whenever I was inside the dinosaur costume, that is the only thing I wanted to do.

The ban on sugar provided a convenient source of resistance. As long as I was not supposed to eat sugar, I could feel powerful by eating it anyway. 

I'm sure the correlation started to seem rather strong after a while. I'd find some way to get sugar into myself, and then — drunk on the power of doing something I wasn't supposed to —I would lapse into psychotic monster mode. To any reasonable observer, it would appear as though I was indeed having a reaction to the sugar.

My parents were so confused when the terror sprees continued even after the house had been stripped of sugar. They were sure they had gotten rid of all of it. . . did I have a stash somewhere? Was I eating bugs or something?

They still weren't suspicious of the costume.  

I lost weeks in a power-fueled haze. I often found myself inside the costume without even realizing I had put it on. One moment, I would be calmly drawing a picture, and the next I'd be robotically stumbling toward my closet where the dinosaur costume was and putting myself inside it.

It started to happen almost against my will.

Surely my parents made the connection subconsciously long before they became aware of what was really going on. After weeks of chaos, each instance punctuated by the presence of the costume, I have to imagine that the very sight of the thing would have triggered some sort of Pavlovian fear response.

They did figure it out eventually, though.

And the costume was finally taken away from me.

I was infuriated at the injustice of it all. I had become quite dependent on the costume, and it felt like part of my humanity was being forcibly and maliciously stripped away.  I cursed my piddling human powers and their uselessness in the situation. If only I could put on the costume . . .  just one more time.

But that was the costume's only weakness — it couldn't save itself. I had to watch helplessly as it disappeared inside a trash bag. 

There was nothing I could do.

And so my reign of power came to an end, and I slowly learned to live as a person again.