Sunday, July 28, 2013

Random...But Cute!

I've got a few canvases that I've done this summer that I've been waiting to post thinking that I'll do some others sort of like them for a theme post.  It hasn't worked out so far!  The result is one of those random posts that gets them all in at once!
This 11x14 aunt canvas is the quote that I do quite often for aunts.  This one is different because of the background.  Instead of a neutral animal print or just plain yellow, this one has yellow on yellow chevron - love it!

My fellow teacher, Caleb Shehane, and his wife, Heather, have built a beautiful new house.  Like my house, the back door enters through the laundry room.  Heather wanted a sign to hang back there to politely let guests know to use the front door.  I really like the colors she chose and the twine for hanging.
The 11x14 pineapple canvas is another popular design with just a little change.  This one has the "please remove your shoes" under the welcome.

I'm spending a lot of time this week getting ready to go back to school.  I was thinking about how fast my summer has gone by.  I was looking back through our pictures and realized that these were taken on the first day of summer vacation back at the end of May.  It seems like forever ago that we took that little day trip to Chattanooga!

Funny how time works.  However long it was or seemed to be, I've enjoyed it and I needed it.  Even though I am a little sad that it is almost over, I am ready to get back to work, plan my science lessons, and love a whole new group of kiddos!

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