Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busier Than Ever

I thought that when school was out that I would get a break. You know, do nothing? I don't think that is ever going to happen! We are just a busy kind of family. It's a "good busy" though. After a crazy few days, we found some time on Memorial Day to go ziplining.
Mike and I went last year and talked about how much the kids would love it the whole time. We took them back and they did! We did the Wahoo Ziplines in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. They have a clean and safe set up and wonderful guides who really make it an experience to remember.

We were in the Smokies already due to a baseball tournament. Carter got to play some! It was so good to see him in uniform and back on the field. The boys did well and, most importantly, had fun!

On Friday, I handed out report cards and then it was all about dance! Lauren had her very first dance recital. The whole family came and made it a special night for her. She was a flamingo in the ballet of Alice in Wonderland. She also did an adorable tap routine in the second part. I am so proud of her for getting up on that stage! She loved it!

Now I am sitting here with a ton of laundry and shopping bags! After I get this all cleaned up and organized, it is back to the painting table. We don't have anymore adventured planned for a while so I should be zipping through some orders!
This is a recent etsy order. You've seen this one in browns, but it was custom ordered in white, gray, and red. I am barefoot right now and plan to stay that way for a while! Enjoy your summer!

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