Monday, February 28, 2011

What I've Been Up To...

I know I haven't been posting or painting as much as I usually do. Let me just say that it has been extraordinarily busy at the Mansfield house. We are making up for lost time while we were sick! I have been being a mom!
Carter just finished up his Upward Basketball season with a season high (for him!) 10 points. This is his first year to play basketball and I am so proud of him. We are already starting baseball practice. It is always something!

Lauren recently participated i her favorite things in the whole wide world - a pageant! This girls loves everything about pageants, from dress shopping to make up to the giggly girls backstage. The Snow Princess Pageant was so smoothly ran and she had a ball!

Speaking of giggly girls! Here is Lauren with her "BFF's" Lilly and Molly.

I am so excited that Lauren was called back in the top ten out of 38 girls. I was beside myself when she was named 4th runner up. She's never won anything before and was so happy. She felt like a real princess!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Show Us Your Life - What Do You Make

I totally forgot that I added my link to the Kelly's Korner "Show us Your Life" series late last night. I am just now getting around to posting something special for you all. I always love linking up and looking at all of the new blogs. I also get lots of nice comments and have already gotten two orders this morning alone! Yay!
I've got several new things on the table, but they aren't ready the share yet. I decided instead to post a few old favorites of mine to give any new visitors an idea of what it is that I make. I love to match things and look at how exact this canvases match the mat. Love it!

I am thrilled anytime I am asked to use Bible verses, prayers, or song lyrics.

Bright colors and flowers are always so fun to paint! With spring around the corner, I will be breaking out all of those happy shades of paint. This was the first time I used lime as a background color. I think it turned out so well!

Baby nurseries and children's rooms are probably my favorite thing to paint. I love the idea of the little ones waking up and going to sleep under one of my paintings. I so appreciate all of the parents who take the time to order from me.

Weddings and anniversaries are a close second! I do a lot of family names and monograms, sometimes with an established date and sometimes without. Celebrating a marriage and a family are so important. I am happy to be a small part of that.

Well, thanks for visiting today! Remember that I've got new things to post next week (hopefully the weekend will go as planned and I will get tons of painting done!). Come back anytime!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A custom gift for a special girl who loves her volleyball! I was a volleyball player in high school. Thank goodness I don't have a picture to go with that statement. I don't know how I played with hair that big!
Painting the volleyball was harder than I thought it would be. All of those stripes and shading have to line up just right. I do love her navy, lime, and white color choices. The lettering is also so cute. I hate that the picture didn't turn out a little better.

You all have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Scariest Story

There was a short period of my early life that was punctuated by truly unfortunate nightmares. I'd go to sleep feeling safe and warm. 

Then I'd awaken several hours later and somehow be completely convinced that my closet was inhabited by fire monsters. 

I'd flee to my parents' room because, like most six-year-olds,  I believed that my parents possessed some magical ability to ward off homicidal, fire-breathing monsters that were easily eight times their size.  

I don't know exactly how I thought they would be able to protect me from the monster, but as far as I was concerned, my parents were forcefields of safety and that fire monster could go fuck itself. 

As I lay there between my parents, I felt a gigantic flood of relief.    

Inexplicably, the feeling of complete immunity to danger made me extremely energetic.  

I didn't need sleep; all I needed was safety.  

It was intoxicating. 

And in the morning, despite having slept very little, I'd wake up feeling recharged and ready to rampage.  

Unfortunately, my parents were not high out of their minds on feelings of invulnerability, and they did need sleep.   

After enduring several consecutive nights of spastic flailing followed by days of gleeful chaos, my parents decided that they needed to take action. 

My mother, being the shrewd diplomat that she was, decided to bribe me into staying in my own bed at night. She knew that I had been lusting after a certain stuffed toy, and told me that if I stayed in my own room every night for an entire week, she'd buy the toy for me. 

But the promise of such an enticing reward did not make the nightmares go away. Nighttime turned into a battle of will power.  I would awaken, become completely terrified and be overwhelmed with the desire to bolt to the safety of my parents' room. But I willed myself to stay in my bed.  Instead of sleeping, I spent the entire night vigilantly watching the closet.  

If a monster came out and tried to attack me, I was prepared to flee reflexively.  But until I saw the whites of the monster's eyes, I would hold my post.

I really, really wanted that toy. 

My sleepless nights turned me into a listless little zombie during the day.  Activities that I once enjoyed with childish abandon became a struggle. 

I was completely dead inside.  

But the most insulting part of the whole ordeal was lying awake in my bed, shaking with terror and suddenly becoming aware of my younger sister slumbering peacefully on the other side of the room, wrapped up in her blanket like a fearless little burrito.

She was three years old. There was no possible way that she should be so brave in the face of such extreme danger. I looked at her over there, happily dreaming her little dreams, and I felt envy. I should be the brave one. I should be the one defying death so nonchalantly. Who the hell did she think she was?

Not only did she sleep soundly but she awakened cheerfully, ready to take on whatever daily challenges a three-year-old is likely to face. The numbness and deadness I felt inside contrasted sharply with her blatant contentedness. It started to feel like she was being happy at me - like her enthusiasm was intentional and malicious.

Then I had an idea.

I could bring her down to my level.  I could fill her little mind with images so gruesome that she'd be irreversibly scarred for life and would no longer be able to taunt me with her complete disregard of fear.

And most importantly, if I could make her scared enough to seek refuge in my parents' bed, I could use her as a sort of Trojan horse and tag along under the guise of concern.

She was my ticket to safety and I had to scare the ever-living fuck out of her.

I spent the entire day concocting the most horrifying story I could think of - an amalgamation of every single scary thing I'd ever heard. It was a masterpiece.  It was the scariest story in the world. There was no possible way that my sister would walk away unscathed.

When it was finally bedtime, I waited for my parents to turn off the lights and leave the room, then I turned to my sister and said "Do you want to hear a story?"

She loved stories.  She didn't see it coming.

I began: "On a dark and stormy night....

By the time I was done weaving my tale of blood and horror and more blood, my sister had become silent and wide-eyed.  Her innocent little brain had never encountered such an impressive amount of gore, and I could tell that she was still struggling to process it all. 

Satisfied with my handiwork, I whispered "goodnight" and nestled into my blankets to wait for the inevitable moment when her tender young mind crumpled beneath the sheer volume of terror I'd just injected into it.  

Amazingly, my sister was able to fall asleep.  She couldn't possibly have been unaffected. How could she sleep?  She must be experiencing a delayed reaction, I thought. The inside of her head just had to be a festering stew of terrors - fermenting, bubbling beneath the surface until they gathered enough force to wake her and propel her to the safety of my parents' bedroom.  It had to happen. There was no way that it wouldn't.  

As I lay there in the dark, willing my sister to awaken and experience the full force of the nightmares I'd planted in her mind, I began to think about the story I'd told her.  The bear-snake with bat-arms. The skeletons. The blood. The murderers.  

Then I looked at my closet. 

Oh no.  They were in there.  

The jolt of fear I felt in my spine nearly paralyzed me, but I still managed to flee to my parents' room with tremendous agility.  I desperately clawed at their door until they let me in.  

I told them I didn't care about the toy. I told them I never wanted toys ever again.  I cried violently and screamed about how scared I was.  

Even the impenetrable safety-fortress of my parents' sleeping bodies was not enough to ward off the incredible amount of fear I'd brought upon myself.  I didn't sleep. And it wasn't because I was high on safety.  

In the morning, I felt like I'd aged ninety years in a single night.  This is it, I thought. This is what the end of life feels like. My tiny adrenal glands had nearly exploded themselves in my panic and I was exhausted.  I ate my cereal robotically, expending only as much energy as necessary. 

I almost didn't notice when my sister climbed up next to me.  

She looked much less traumatized than I would have expected, considering that she spent all night stewing in the after-effects of my story.  In fact, she seemed extremely excited about absolutely nothing. 

Maybe I had broken her. Maybe this was how she was choosing to cope with the indelible horrors I'd etched in her psyche. 

But no. 

She was not only unfazed by the story - it had awakened a hunger in her.  She experienced the scariest story in the world and she loved it.  And she would not be content until she had mined my brain for every terrifying snippet it was capable of producing.  I had to make up more stories to tell her. Scarier stories.  Stories with more blood.  Everything became a potential subject for a story. Tell me one about lawn mowers, she'd say. And I'd have to come up with a story about a sentient, homicidal lawn mower. 

I had created a monster.