Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chole's Art Class

My Thursday art class at Chole's has been a blast this session. It has gone by so fast! I've got a really sweet, talented group of kids that I look forward to spending time with. They did these gorgeous sunflowers last week. Remember, they range in age from 6 to 11. I am so proud of them and their efforts!

We spent some time sketching oudoors. It was such a pretty day, we couldn't resist. Here is Hayden drawing the elephant ear plants. Below is Emme wrapped up in the details of her leaf.

Emily has taken several sessions and is such a good little artist!

Finally, there is Carter also working on the intricacies of a leaf. I promise it just melts my heart to see him enjoying art. I just remind myself that it is not the finished product that matters, but the time we spent getting there.

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