We have so many new faces at Bobby Ray Elementary this year. All of those fresh smiles and fresh ideas really bring a positive energy to the entire school.
One of those new energetic faces is my fifth grade neighbor, Miss Christie Allison. Many of you probably know Christie. She is not new to teaching, just new to me! The thoughtful Paula Smith ordered this one for her room as a birthday gift. The metallic stars really pop against that bright blue background!
This second star canvas is for the new kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Jane Ann Bryant. This is her second year of teaching, but she moved from fifth grade to kindergarten. I think that may be like starting over again! I just love all of the primary colors in this one. It just screams "happy kids"!
Welcome Miss Christie and Mrs. Jane! Welcome Mrs. Angie, Mrs. Angela, Miss Krista, Mrs. Lisa, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Lorance, Mrs. Weeter, Mrs. Jill, and Mrs. Sue! I hope I didn't miss anyone. You are all a joy to work with!
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