Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cocoa Dots

Pottery Barn's Cocoa Dots pattern was the inspiration for this sweet little 11x14 canvas. I think it turned out really cute and I love this baby's name. Thank you, Holly, for the order!
Short post today - I'm getting ready for the Autumn Street Fair. Come see me!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gingerbread Man

I've been working hard on several new items and old favorites for the upcoming Street Fair. There are a few different versions of the gingerbread man floating around out there. They are always popular! This one is a new size (6x12 - maybe?) and has the recipe in the background, sanding around the edges, and an antique glaze finish. Really cute - all the way down to those peppermint buttons and shimmery copper ribbon!

Monday, September 27, 2010


I always love donating to a worthy cause. There are several pageants that I always support, but every once in a while I have the opportunity to donate to other things as well. This super cute "Happy Fall" with all this leaves and a brown velvet trim was donated as a door prize to the coupon class at Boyd Christian School.

This 5x5 peace sign with the zebra ribbon was given to Cierra Fann as she is facing an illness and all the expenses that goes along with it. I know many of you donated to her fundraiser this past weekend.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
~Theodore Roosevelt

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Recipe Week

Do you ever get to that point where nothing sounds good to cook? I cook just about every week night and I was getting tired of the same old same old. I dragged out the cookbooks and we are trying something new every night this week. Exciting! Here is out menu...

Saturday - Taco Soup and Cheese Quesadillas
Sunday - Subway (our Sunday night regular!)
Monday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, and Sister Shubert Rolls
Tuesday - Pepper Steak over Rice
Wednesday - Dinner Out (TTU Class and Church)
Thursday - Melt In Your Mouth Chicken, Mixed Vegetables, and Hawaiian Bread
Friday - Off to the grocery store to do it again!

I found the recipe for Banana Split Cake while I was going through cookbooks and couldn't resist. I just ate a piece and oh my word was it good!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall Stuff...

We recently went on a "Family First" fall camping trip. It was just an overnight thing, but the kids really felt like serious campers. All was going great until allergies kicked in and the really late night caught up with them. We still had a good time, good food, and some good family and friends time. Lauren and Elizabeth thoroughly enjoyed the bunk beds!

I was cleaning for our upcoming open house when I snapped this picture of my front door. I just wanted to show you all how cute the smaller canvases look in a wreath. I love this 5x5 "Happy Fall" in my big fall wreath. How cute is that wreath hanger? I got it at the Autumn Street Fair (the booth next to me was trouble!) a couple of years back. It is antiqued metal and says "trick or treat".

Seriously, I'm dying! Where is this cooler weather?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Funky Owl

I love owls, but have never painted one for a canvas. I thought, "this fall is the fall for owls" and gave it a try! This funky 10x10 owl will be available at the Autumn Street Fair. I think he looks pretty great the way he is, but I did leave room for personalization if you would like a name, welcome, or a short quote or verse.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sweet Pea

I love, love, love this "Sweet Pea" bedding from Target. The lavender and lime and those paisleys and dots - to die for! I say all of that, but when Lauren was on the way I got too overwhelmed and just ended up using Carter's bedding. Oh, well...

Here's the canvas I design to go with it. There were so many wonderful little things to choose from, but I decided just to keep it sweet and simple. This one has already shipped out to Holly in Rockvale, TN. I hope it makes the perfect gift!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall Scene

Okay, so here is the list of all the things Miss Monica wanted on her 8x24 canvas:
  • tree with falling leaves
  • leaves in the background
  • scarecrow
  • crow on his shoulder
  • bales of hay
I'm pretty sure I got it all on there and (after much design and redesign) I am really happy with it! It is pretty different from anything I've done before. I just love all of the fall colors. I think my favorite part is the border. I like the black tick marks and then the orange on orange leaves.

Now she's ready for fall! So, where is all of this cooler weather?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Winner Is...

1 Random Numbers* 21

The twenty first commenter is Wesley Hillis! Congratulations, Wesley! I'll be in touch. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. You really made my 1000th post special. Everyone have a great rest of the weekend!

1000th Post Giveaway!

Well, it's been a while since I've done a giveaway and I wanted to mark this milestone with something special. I am giving away this very cheerful polka dot wreath! It is a 16x16 so i fits perfectly on the front door. It is currently plain - and if you win you can keep it that way - or I will be pleased to personalize it for you. It would look adorable with a name, a monogram, or welcome across the center.

I love all the pretty ribbons at the top!

Just leave a nice comment to be entered. You can enter as many times as you like until 8:00 CST tonight. I'll randomly choose one. Best of luck to you all and thank you so much for helping me celebrate!

The Countdown Ends...

Number one...Monograms! I do so many versions of monograms, but I especially love the ones with polka dots. I feel like almost every painting I do has a dot on it somewhere! I chose these because they have small and large dots and my favorite font, Ballpark Wiener. (I've had people ask about my fonts. They all come dafont and I do freehand them.) Plus, these were a gift for my friend, Amy Crouch, when she had her twins.

Number Two...I chose these two more for who they were for than the design - even though I absolutely love this design and these colors. I tried to something a little more masculine for our pediatrician, Dr. Edward Eastham. He is so sweet to us and we just love him! The other was a thank you gift for Ron Clark. He donated a free visit to his academy and one of my teacher friends won! That was an awesome few days in Atlanta. He hung it in his office right then!

Number canvases. I can't remember exactly where the first one came from, but it was a customer, not me, who came up with this design. After that first one, they just took off. I've done newlyweds all the way up to fifty year anniversaries. I've done every color and font combination you can think of. This one is a brand new order just sent out to Oklahoma!

Number Four...teacher canvases. Maybe it is because I am a teacher, but I love doing teacher canvases. They never get old. This one was done a good while back and it is still a favorite of mine. I think it is because it's not the typical apple. I got the inspiration for this design from the Boden catalog.

Number five...jerseys. This is where it all started. The first canvas I did was a large baseball jersey for Carter's room. I wanted some sports art for his room and couldn't find what I wanted. There are more choices now, but when I saw the prices I nearly had a heart attack! Now I do baseball, basketball, football, and even cheerleading uniforms. It's a great way to remember your time as part of a team.

If you're waiting for the's coming right up!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Number Six

I couldn't choose just one, so the whole "skinny legs" design is number six!

It usually works best on an 8x24 or 4x12, but it did work out pretty cute on some other sizes, too.

I love the itty bitty version with the Halloween themed beads. This one looks so cute in a wreath.

The witch was so popular that I tried an elf! I love this one for Christmas!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for numbers 5 through 1...and the giveaway!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Number Seven

Customers frequently send me things to match or coordinate with. I always love having an inspiration piece or just a photo to get the feel of the room the artwork is going to be in.
This one ended up matching so well that it is hard to tell where the rug stops and the canvas starts! As soon as I saw the rug, the vision for the canvas and how to do it popped into my head. Some are easy like that, some are not...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Number Eight

I chose this 12x24 canvas as number eight because I love the colors and mixed patterns. It was the first of it's kind for me. After this one, I did so many in different colors and patterns inspired by this one.
Even though I still love it as much as I ever did, I look at it and start thinking about all of the little changes I would make. I guess that is just a sign of how your personal style changes over time.

Number Nine

Celebrate Everything! So perfect for all of us who are a little slow in changing our seasonal decor! I love all of the bright colors on the black and the little polka dots around the edge. My favorite part is the beads. There is a special glass bead for each month in the handle. There's a snowman for January, a heart for February, and so on.
I always do one of these for the Autumn Street Fair. Emily and I have noticed that for the past two or three years, it has been my first sale.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Party

At some point during my childhood, my mother made the mistake of taking me to see an orthodontist.  It was discovered that I had a rogue tooth that was growing sideways.

My mom and I were told that the tooth, if left unchecked, would completely ruin everything in my life and turn me into a horrible, horrible mutant.

Unless I wanted to spend the rest of my natural life chained in a windowless shed to avoid traumatizing the other citizens, I was going to need surgery to remove the tooth. 

I was accepting of the idea until I found out that my surgery was scheduled on the same day as my friend's birthday party.  My surgery was in the morning and the birthday party wasn't until the late afternoon, but my mom told me that I still probably wouldn't be able to go because I'd need time to recover from my surgery.  I asked her if I could go to the party if I was feeling okay.  She said yes, but told me that I probably wouldn't be feeling well and to try not to get my hopes up.  

But it was too late. I knew that if I could trick my mom into believing that I was feeling okay after my surgery, she'd let me go to my friend's birthday party.  All I had to do was find a way to prove that I was completely recovered and ready to party.  I began to gather very specific information about the kinds of things that would convince my mom that the surgery had absolutely no effect on me.  

I'm pretty sure my mom was just placating me so that I'd leave her alone, but somehow it was determined that the act of running across a park would indeed prove that I was recovered enough to attend the party.  And I became completely fixated on that little ray of hope.   

I remember sitting in the operating room right before going under, coaching myself for the ten-thousandth time on my post-surgery plan: immediately after regaining even the slightest bit of consciousness, I was going to make my mom drive me to a park and I was going to run across it like a gazelle on steroids.      

And then she would let me go to the party.  

I must have done a really good job pretending to be okay even while I was still unconscious, because I was released well before the anesthesia wore off.  My mom had to hold on to the back of my shirt to prevent me from falling over while we walked out of the hospital.  

I first started to regain consciousness while we were driving on the freeway. I didn't know what was going on, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered that I needed to do something important.

THE PARK!!  I didn't recall exactly why I needed to go to the park, but I had spent so much time drilling the concept into my head that even in my haze of near-unconsciousness, I knew that getting myself to a park was of utmost importance.   I tried to communicate this to my mom, but the combination of facial numbness and extreme sedation caused me to be unable to form words properly.  

I yelled louder and more urgently, but my mom still couldn't grasp what it was I wanted.  

It was at this point that I decided to open the car door and walk to the park by my damn self.  The only problem was that instead of being stopped safely near a park, we were hurtling down I-90 at 70 miles per hour.

Luckily I hadn't had the presence of mind to unbuckle my seatbelt, so instead of toppling to a bloody death, I merely hung out the side of the car and flailed around ineffectively.

A little shaken up by the incident, my mom decided that it would probably be a good idea to pull off at the next exit and get some food in me.  We found a Jack in the Box and she led me inside. 

It was pretty crowded, but my mom didn't want to get back in the car, so we found a table and she told me to wait while she stood in line to order our food.  

I sat contentedly at our table for a few minutes.

But then I forgot what was happening and panicked. 

I had to find my mom.  I had to tell her about the park.  I tried to call for her, but I still couldn't quite remember how to say words.  

I began stumbling around the restaurant, shouting the closest approximation to the word "mom" that I could come up with. 

My mom hadn't yet figured out what I was trying to tell her, but she knew that I was yelling and stumbling into the other patrons and generally causing a scene, so she firmly told me to go back to my seat.  

I had remembered why I wanted to go to the park, so I obeyed my mom, thinking it would increase my chances of going to the park, thus increasing my chances of going to the party.  

When my mom returned to our table with our food, some version of the following conversation ensued:

Me:  Carn we go to the parp now? 

My mom:  The park?  Is that what you want?

Me:  Yes!  The parp! 

My mom:  No.  Eat your food.  

Me:  But moun - I can roun arcoss the porp.  I can do it!  I can go to the partney!

My mom:  No you can't. 

Me:  I can!  I can!  I CAN!!! 

My mom:  Look at you.  You can't even walk. You can't form a coherent sentence.


My mom:  You are not going to that party. 


My mom:  I said you can't go to the party.  Now eat your food.  


My mom:  Stop it.  

And then I started to cry big blubbery tears into my milkshake.  It was at that point that my mom noticed all the people glaring at her and realized that, from an outside perspective, it appeared as though she was not only refusing to let her poor, mentally disabled daughter go to a park and/or a birthday party, but was also taunting her child about her disability.  

And that's how I got to go to a birthday party while very heavily sedated.