Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's Been A Busy Week!

As a teacher, the week of Halloween is not my favorite. There's just a lot going on and a lot of excitement fueled by sugar no doubt. At home, I love Halloween. It just came so quickly this year! Add that in with football practice, Mike's meetings, and basketball season starting and..whew! You've got yourself a busy week.
Lauren's teachers at the Learning House, Mrs. Tina and Mrs. Jackie, found time to be super creative. Look at this adorable ghost they made this week. It is some kind of cloth that has been hardened and can now stand on its own as a spooky ghost. Love it!

The kiddos were feeling the burn this week as well. Even though Carter and Mike left at 8:30 this morning to go to baseball camp, Carter managed to work in a little recliner/cartoon time with his sister. Now that the boys are gone and the house is quiet, Lauren is off doing some maintenance with her baby dolls.

I got a big shipment of 8x24's in yesterday. These are reserved for all of those family canvases for Christmas...and maybe a snowman or two!

My goal this week was to finish these four 11x14 canvases. It just didn't happen. As you can see, I got a good start, but just ran out of time. Mike usually takes Carter to football practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights and that is my BIG paint time, but this week he had a meeting on Tuesday night and a basketball game on Thursday night. You just can't paint in the practice field parking lot! On the bright side, I did get four miles of walking in!

Resha's big 12x48 is due November 4. Yikes!
I'm just kidding...I have a plan and it will be done in plenty of time!

I got up and did a few things and went back to my warm bed. My head is hurting because I am having some allergy/congestion issues. I think that is why I haven't been sleeping well even though I am dog tired. Frustrating! Dee was none too happy to be kicked out of his usual spot. He just sat there staring me down like, "Aren't you going to work today?". You can see Cinco passed out behind him.
My husband brought me some juice, Advil, and Zyrtec. Ahhh, the perfect cocktail! It won't last long...I have to be at soccer at 10:20!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's Too Late to Apologize, Kyle... But Do You Still Want to See Me Strip?

Remember when I wrote that post  responding to that guy named Kyle who called me ugly and unfunny and it was exactly like when Tyra Banks got called fat and then protested by coming out on stage in a bathing suit and everybody said “wow, she’s so brave!” and she was lauded as a hero by self-esteem challenged women everywhere?

That was pretty sweet.

Anyway, I made a video. It's for Kyle.

It may or may not be work-safe, but I think that it probably is. I took special care not to show too much skin, but I make no guarantees about this being work safe if your boss can't handle massive amounts of pure, unadulterated sexiness.

I am warning you that this will probably make you feel weird inside... like being molested or witnessing someone you don't know giving birth. But it has to be done. It just has to be. God told me to do it.

Oh, and I talk in this video, so that means you'll hear my voice and it will probably be all different than what you were expecting and you might develop some sort of psychological disorder if you've become attached to the way you have been imagining my voice. Just prepare yourself, okay?

I start talking almost right away, so you don't have much time to acclimate once the video starts and then I start taking my clothes off and that is awkward and you'll probably die if you go straight from being shocked about my voice to being shocked about my sexiness with no break in between. If you expect to be deeply disturbed by my voice if it is higher or lower than you expected, please take a moment to calm yourself after the initial shock before proceeding with the video. I'm serious, guys.

Anyway, if Kyle was wondering whether he could say sorry for calling me ugly and just let things go back to the way they used to be, this video should clear things up for him:

Start to Finish

Every canvas starts the same, plain white.

My first step is to paint the background. In this case, two coats of black. Most colors require two coats. Brown and red look better with three. After that second coat has dried overnight, I can pencil in the first layer of lettering.

After that is good and dry, the first layer of lettering goes on. This khaki takes two coats with touch ups done on the the third. That also has to be completely dry before I can pencil in the lettering for the second layer.

The white letter goes much quicker because it is smaller and not nearly as thick. It still needs two coats. After that has dries, I can erase all of the pencil marks and go back over it to clean up any little flaws.

Each canvas is then sprayed with a clear sealant to protect it from dust, scratches, and weather. The next step is to add ribbon or beading for hanging. The final step is to photograph and deliver or ship. Sometimes that final step is the hardest, believe it or not!

All of my canvases can be left outdoors or used indoors. They can be wiped off with a damp cloth. The handles are not required for hanging. Each one is lovingly hand painted by me...usually late at night after my family is in bed! I strive to make each one special.
Thank you for your orders.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Letters: Volume 6

Dear Sunglasses;
Why do you make me feel like such an asshole? 
Your functional properties are greatly outweighed by your ludicrously sleek appearance, which, when paired with my face, makes me look like I think I’m better than everyone else.  Which I am, but it is imperative that others do not sense this about me because it makes them very uncomfortable and sometimes they even fly into a jealous rage.
I don’t want to feel like a secret agent or a celebrity every time I need to shield my delicate retinas from the sun.   Do you come in any shape other than “secret agent” and “incognito celebrity”?   What’s that?  You also come in “frat brother” and “pilot”?  AND “Bono”?   
Well, Sunglasses, that sure is a lot of variety…  It’s too bad that I don’t want to look like any of those things.  
Do you know how stupid I feel when I walk inside and forget that you are on my face?  Everyone looks at me and thinks “that is completely unnecessary… “
Or sometimes they think “HOLY CRAP I BET THAT’S CHARLIZE THERON!!!” because we look almost exactly alike – especially when I wear sunglasses.   Which is kind of cool except for it’s a little demoralizing to have people look so disappointed when they realize it’s just some normal but still outrageously good-looking person wearing ridiculously large sunglasses.  That’s why I run away whenever someone looks at me.  I am doing them a service by letting them think that they were actually in the same grocery store with Charlize Theron, even though Charlize Theron has probably never been to Montana and may not even know that Montana exists.   That doesn’t matter.  What matters is that those people can go home and tell their spouses and friends and children that they fucking saw Charlize Theron in the grocery store.  Only they probably wouldn’t say “fucking” around their kids - unless they are bad parents, in which case, fuck ‘em.  They don’t deserve to think that they saw Charlize Theron in the grocery store.  And guess what motherfucker?  I’m not Charlize Theron, so you just lied to your kid. 
Anyway, Sunglasses, you can clearly see that you cause nothing but trouble in my life and the lives of others.  You should be ashamed of yourself!
I don’t know what I am hoping to accomplish by writing you this letter.  I know that it is probably a futile effort because you are so stuck on yourself and unwilling to change.  But there is a part of me that hopes there is a tiny kernel of goodness underneath all that shiny plastic and UV-protective tinting – that maybe you’ll hear my message and reconsider your role in the world.   It’s not too late to change, Sunglasses.  You don’t have to spend the rest of eternity as an indicator of douchiness.
It’s just something to think about…

Dear Milk;
What ARE you???  I have spent the past 24 years being blissfully unaware of your trickery.   Just yesterday, I asked myself for the first time “What the fuck is milk actually?” 
I Googled you, Milk.  Do you want to know what Google told me you were?  It told me that you are a “colloidal dispersion.”  That means “water with a bunch of un-dissolved crap in it.”  DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DISGUSTING THAT SOUNDS???  And that is on top of the fact that you come from cow boobies. 
I’m onto you, Milk.  You can’t fool me into thinking that you are just another beverage like orange juice or soda.  I am even beginning to question your validity as an addition to cereal.   That’s just putting larger undissolved chunks in something that is already rife with undissolved chunks.  That is weird and shouldn’t be allowed to happen.
Until you can offer me a suitable explanation for your behavior, I am afraid that I am going to have to boycott you.   I am sorry it has come to this, but what am I supposed to do, Milk?   I feel like I’ve been lied to my whole life and that doesn’t feel very good.  

Dear Papercut;
Fuck you.

Dear Sand;
There are a number of issues I have been meaning to discuss with you.  You are a fairly respectable surface, Sand.  There’s no denying that.   But I feel that there are some areas of your performance that could use improvement.  
The first issue I would like to address is that of your attraction to wet surfaces.  When I have been wading in the water and I decide that I am done wading and ready to put my shoes back on, I am caught in the midst of an irreconcilable conundrum:  do I wade to the very edge of the water and stand on one foot while I try to dry off the other foot so that it is ready to be inserted into my shoe and stood upon so that I can repeat the process with my other foot?  Or do I brazenly walk across you to the parking lot where I will do my best to scrape you off of my feet before inserting them into my shoes again?  
Neither option is really a good option, Sand.  If I choose the first scenario, I almost always end up stumbling into the water and getting one or both of my shoes wet.   This also makes me look like an idiot to bystanders.  If I choose the second scenario, I have made the poorer choice because everyone knows that there is no way to rid your feet of sand without getting them wet again and that will only lead to scenario one again unless you are at a beach with one of those neat little foot-showers.  I love whoever invented those.   Anyway, my point is that if you were less attracted to wet surfaces, this problem wouldn’t exist.  Please think about working on this.
The next issue I would like to discuss with you is that of your inherent opposition to effective forward propulsion.  What I mean is that it is very hard to run on you.  That is all well and fine until I am being chased by a rapist or a murderer.  Then it gets kind of dicey.   Some might say “well, if you are being chased by a rapist or a murderer, just avoid sand… duh.”  But what if I am in the desert?  What then?   Do I just lie down and allow myself to be ravaged and then chopped into tiny pieces and buried?  This is why you need to work on this area of your performance, Sand.  I can’t always avoid you when I am fleeing from rapists and murders. 
Speaking of burying things, do you have any idea how hard it is to dig a hole in you?   For every shovel-full of you I move, you fill in between ¾ and 5/4 of the hole I have just dug – which, if you need to have fractions explained to you - means that I am left with either a pathetically shallow hole or a mound - which is the complete opposite of a hole and not at all what I am trying to accomplish when I have set out to dig a hole.  
With these small changes, you could be unstoppable, Sand.   Everyone would want to be on you all of the time.  You would be the most popular recreation-surface on earth – even above grass because grass makes people itchy and usually that is overlooked because grass doesn’t cling to wet surfaces (at least not when it is still growing in the ground), impede forward motion or prohibit hole-digging.   But if you solved these problems, you would have a leg-up on grass for sure.  
I sincerely hope you consider my suggestions and I look forward to being on you once you have implemented my advice.  

Dear Decoy Deer Statue on the Corner of Adirondack and Willow;
Please stop scaring me every time I run past you.  It makes me feel very stupid when you startle me for the sixteenth time in as many days and I make a choked-up little squeaking sound and frantically paw at the air with my hands before I realize that you are that same damn fake deer that scares me every day.  
Maybe you could move out from behind that bush so that it doesn’t look quite so much like you are lurking? 

Happy Birthday!

Emma Kate is scheduled to come into the world today. Her proud grandmother, Candy Woodlee, ordered this beautiful, very girly 12x24 for her nursery. She made a special request for a dragonfly. I love it!
I hope everything goes smoothly and Amanda and baby are healthy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Boyfriend Ate Two Whole Bags of Skittles and Now He is Terrorizing Me

Remember how I said “I am going to write another post today”?  Well, I’m trying, but Boyfriend is not being very helpful at all. 

That sentence up there?  The one that I wrote just then?  It took me 27 minutes to complete it.  Do you want to know why?  Because Boyfriend is all cracked out on sugar and excited about Halloween because he is the most festive fucking person I have ever met in my life.  He has been almost constantly interrupting me with a steady stream of overly excited verbal diarrhea, including jewels like:
“Never eat a burrito from both ends… ”  
And “you should Google the ‘Merry Maids’… maybe we can get one and she’ll make me cookies… wait… we don’t have internet, huh?  Remind me to Google ‘Merry Maids’ when we get the internet again”
And  “Do you want to get me some milk?  Are you going to answer me?  No seriously… can you get me some milk please?  Do you want me to be grumpy?”
Guess what he’s doing now?  Really… guess.
I bet you didn’t guess that he is eating a burrito, reading TIME magazine and singing the theme song to Transformers, but that’s what he’s doing. 
He just cracks like this every now and then.  He spends the majority of his time being the level-headed, responsible one in our relationship and then, out of nowhere, he decides to eat two whole bags of Skittles and his blood sugar goes all crazy and he loses his shit and starts doing stuff like bumping into me with the top of his head while laughing uncontrollably.  
He just asked me to get him milk again.  He says that he will write stuff for me while I’m away getting him milk.  
Boyfriend:  Milk is a great source of vitamins and minerals and it helps the body grow to be strong.  It’s nutritious and delicious! Did you know that milk comes from cows? No, seriously, think about that.  That’s fucked up. I don’t care though.  I think they should replace water in drinking fountains with milk.  Not skim milk though. Skim milk is bullshit.
That was Boyfriend.  He wrote that, took one swig straight out of the jug of milk and then said “Mmmm… That’s good.  Can you take it back now?”  And then he set the jug of milk in my lap. 
He is antagonizing me on purpose because I spend too much time blogging and not enough time staring at him and listening to him prattle on about milk.  
Now he is lamenting the fact that FedEx doesn’t go by “Federal Express” anymore because they had to shorten it “since even drunk people can say FedEx and then even drunk people can send packages… try saying Federal Express when you are drunk: (makes incomprehensible sounds)”
Now he is asking me if I ever heard the story of how FedEx started because “it is a story of triumph… like, they should have made a basketball movie about it except instead of basketball, it would be about packages… and about overcoming the odds – can you go to Tassimo dot com?  Oh wait… nevermind.  Are you just writing down everything I say?  No seriously?  Are you?  Stop it!” 
He’s getting kind of mad, but guess what?  Maybe he should stop talking and let me actually write a real blog post.
Now I am trying to convince Boyfriend that my journalistic integrity depends on being able to post the truth about him.  He said “I am going to sue you for libel - I don’t even know what that means, but I’ll do it!” 
Do you want to know what’s weird about Boyfriend?  To most people, he seems introverted, even downright shy.  He almost never talks.  But when we are hanging out in the confines of our apartment, I cannot get him to shut up.  When he is attention starved or hyperglycemic he talks almost constantly.  Right now, he is literally reading every ad in TIME magazine out loud to me.  He is yelling “Pleasing cheeses!!!!!!”  Apparently there is an ad for pleasing cheeses.  It’s like if there are words in his head, they are going to come out of his mouth regardless of whether they are pertinent or even intelligible.   Sometimes he just sits there and makes sounds. 
Okay, he went into the kitchen to make sugar cookies.  He is yelling something, but I can’t really understand him.  I’m just going to ignore him and let him talk it out with himself and then maybe I can actually write something witty or intelligent.  Oh wait… he figured out that I wasn’t listening and he stuck his head around the corner to announce:  “This recipe is crazy!  There’s two of everything – two cups of sugar, two sticks of butter, two teaspoons of vanilla… except the flour kind of fucks it up since there are five cups of it.”
He likes round numbers and orderliness.  He can’t stand it when I dig for cookie dough and mess up the symmetry of the ice cream we are eating.  He has a total boner for charts and graphs – he makes spreadsheets in Excel for entertainment.  
I was going to write a post about my aversion to sunglasses, but -
He just wrote “NANANANANANA” on my thigh.  I tried to stop him several times but he was doggedly persistent in his goal of branding my flesh with his inane scribbling. 
I should probably stop writing and pay attention to him before I end up looking like I passed out first at a frat party.   He is really ruthless when he gets into “drawing-on-skin” mode.  I feel like I am writing in a war-zone with dangerous and chaotic events happening all around me – except for that I’m not really in any danger. 
I’ll write about sunglasses tomorrow.  Maybe.  Or maybe I'll write about something else.  I like to keep things mysterious...

Here is an abnormally tan/orange-looking picture of my thigh with the word "NANANNANANANA" written on it in blue ink.  
I promise I am not actually this orange.  I just had to crank up the saturation of the picture so that I didn't look pasty and also so you could see the word clearly, becuase otherwise I might have just looked like I had a bruise.  
God, please excuse me for this post.  
P.S.  Do you want to hear something interesting about you guys?  I have written much, much longer posts than my last post, but since my last post had 36 numbered steps, you got all intimidated and were like "meh - too long."  I am sorry I made you undertake a multi-step task to read about how I abhor undertaking multi-step tasks.  It just isn't right. 
I always write long posts when I remember to take my drugs.   I still have an ADD brain that has lots of thoughts, but suddenly I have the focusing power to actually express all of them.  You should see me talk - I'm like... well probably a lot like Boyfriend was tonight.  

Kristy Weeter

This is not just another teacher canvas. For me, this one is extra special because it is for my good friend and teaching partner. Kristy came to the fifth grade at Bobby Ray Elementary two years ago fresh out of college. She is naturally a teacher, loves the kids, and just was wonderful from the start. It seems like anytime we need to do things in pairs, we always get put together. I'm not complaining - we always have a blast!
I love what she finally chose for her room and was so happy to paint for her.

Sneak Peeks

This is the time of the year in which I have to keep secrets. Sometimes it is hard! All of these pretty paintings and I can't share them until January!

I also have to be creative with some explanations. I never lie, but I do have to leave out things from time to time to keep it a surprise.

Anyway, here are a couple that I finished this weekend (I was very productive! Look how many came off my to do list!) that I couldn't wait to post. I just posted a corner, a "sneak peek". I wonder who will be getting these under their trees?

Remember...this Sunday, November 1, is the last day to place holiday orders.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Snowman Design

I've added something new to my original snowman design. Can you find it?

It is the blue on blue diamonds running through the background. I try to look at the designs that come back year after year and update them in some way. The diamonds add a little texture, and they are just cute!
All three of these feature glass snowman beading and are currently available.
6x9 - $20.00
5x5 - $15.00

Friday, October 23, 2009

Jesus Loves Me

Such a sweet gift from a grandmother to a granddaughter. Hopefully this chair will be a keepsake handed down for a long time to come.

Fall In Full Swing

As I was driving yesterday, I noticed the color in the leaves. Fall is in full swing! Halloween has kind of snuck up on me this year. We will do out church trick-or-treating this Sunday. Mike and I signed up to teach Bible hour this month and I can't believe it is almost over. Time really does fly.

We've been doing all of the typical fall activities. Lauren went to the pumpkin patch with her class last week and Carter is scheduled to go this week. Football and soccer games and practices eat up quite a bit of our free time. We froze out hineys off last week!

As I am going about my daily routine, Miss Brooke Taylor is planning the most important day of her life. She is planning a beautiful fall wedding. I am so happy to be a tiny part of it.
She ordered a "wedding wands" sign for her favors and a "sweet endings for sweet beginnings" sign for the pecan pie table. I just love fall weddings. Why didn't I plan to get married in October?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Girl's Day Out

I had the pleasure of spending yesterday with my sisters and mother. I took the day off from work to go with Ashley to her doctor's appointment and then do a little fall clothes shopping. Turns out, mom was able to get away and Emily did not have to go into work until three o'clock. I had second thoughts about taking a day off, but I am so glad that I did!
Our bonding started with Target, of course! I did pretty good in the clothes department, but got more of what I really needed in the Halloween area. Check trick-or-treat candy, class treats, and khaki pants off the list!

We continued to TJ Maxx, but found nothing except one secret sister gift. Check! From there it was off the the Avenues. That place consumed a huge chunk of time and walking, but it was beautiful day and we were having fun. We ate lunch at Newk's Cafe...yummy!
I got all of the paint and ribbon I needed for upcoming projects at Michael's. Check! I now prefer to go there over Hobby Lobby. I can still easily get everything I need at a good price, and not all of the stuff I don't! I struck out big time at Discount Shoe Warehouse.

I racked up for myself at Old Navy, which is unusual. That is where I get a lot of the kids' clothes. I only got them warm PJ's, but got myself several tops, boyfriend jeans, and a brown corduroy dress. I love the rolled sleeve button down shirts they have in all of these pretty patterns and colors. Here's what I am wearing today! Check school clothes, winter PJ's, and something new for church off the list.

This is the top I wanted at Ann Taylor Loft. $39.50 for a tee is a little out of my price range. They had all kinds of beautiful sweaters and tweed dresses. Alas, I will have to wait for a sale.

Don't they say that good things come to those who wait?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Roommates Part 1

This is the post I promised to write ages ago about why I ended up living in a bathroom-less "studio" above a mentally unstable masturbation-superstar and down the hall from an overly friendly heroin addict and his suit of armor.  If you didn't read that one, here it is.

If you've already read it, you are probably wondering "what on Earth could make a person voluntarily subject themselves to that kind of living situation?"

And this is the first installment of my four-part answer:


I shared a room with my younger sister for 15 years.

Sibling cohabitation is not something that I would recommend to parents who aren't trying to foster animosity between their children.

But, to my parents' credit, they had noble intentions.  They made the decision partly out of budgetary restraints and also out of the hope that living in such close quarters would force my sister and I to resolve our differences - which is an admirably optimistic point of view.

Unfortunately, the theory did not take into account just how much my sister and I disagreed with one another.  We fought constantly- sometimes violently - about everything from how loudly she breathed to how much my feet stunk.  Neither of us slept very well because I think we were each afraid of being murdered in our sleep by the other.

But my sister's cat was probably the worst part of all of it.  This particular cat felt that it was necessary to be making loud noises all of the time.  It even made noise in its sleep.  And the noises it made weren't cute little noises, either - they sounded like a duck with a speech impediment choking on a car accident between a truck full of squeaky toys and an ambulance.  Go back and reread that sentence.  It was a work of art.  Okay, now carry on...

When I tried to solve the problem by putting the cat outside, one of two things usually happened:  First, my sister would fly into an animal-rights-inspired rage and say something like "you aren't treating the cat with respect!  She should be treated the same way you would treat a human being!"  And then I'd retort with something along the lines of "Yeah?  Well guess what?  I used to put you outside when you were a baby and were still too stupid to get back in by yourself.  I would definitely put you outside with the cat right now if I thought you wouldn't eventually find your way back in." And we would go back and forth like that until someone either got stabbed with a fork or distracted by a phone call from a boy.

But what usually ended up happening is that the cat would be locked out of the bedroom but not outside of the house.  It seemed like a compromise, but it wasn't.  The cat - having been thrown out - would begin clawing on the door and screeching, which was even worse than the other noises and usually prompted my sister to begin crying and yelling "See? See what you did to her?  She needs me!  And she's all alone and scared out there in the dark!"

In essence, I was forced to choose between a noisy cat and the same cat only noisier plus an angry, angry little sister who didn't have the sense to know that she was being manipulated by a cat who was nocturnal and therefore not at all afraid of the dark.

I chose a tent.

The idea was born out of an epic battle between my sister and myself in which I threatened to move outside and live in a tent "even though I'll probably freeze to death" because she was being so pig-headed.  Obviously I had to move out to the tent or else I would risk losing the argument.

My family owns a good-sized chunk of property in rural North Idaho, so it was not difficult to find a suitable tent site.  I set up my tent close enough to the house to be visible to those who may pity me but far enough away to give the illusion that I may be in actual danger and therefore worthy of pity.

It actually turned out to be a pretty cool little setup.  I began spending more and more time in the tent and one by one, my worldly possessions trickled out there with me.  I think my parents began to fear that I liked living in the tent a little too much and that maybe this experience would lower my standards for future living arrangements (which it did) and that I would eventually settle on being a bum (I have not yet resorted to that, but it is not out of the question.  I think I would be pretty good at being a bum because I am resourceful and fairly unencumbered substance addictions.)

For almost four months, I lived in the tent, as happy as a clam (apparently clams are quite content with life).  All the while my poor mother fought a three-way internal battle between her desire to let me express myself, her natural instinct to keep me from freezing or being eaten by a bear and her fears that I would spend my future as a vagrant because of some gross oversight on her part.

Sometime around November, my mom finally cracked.  She told me that she had decided it was too cold outside for me to be sleeping in a tent.  She never mentioned her fears about my future as a hobo.  I argued with my mom, saying "but Mom, I want to live in the tent!  I like the tent!  Don't you want me to be happy??"  I could see her sanity crumbling, but I had no idea that I would drive her to do what she did next.

She built me a box.

She built me a sound-dampening box in my room inside the house.  I don't know how she made the leap of logic that this wouldn't turn me into a hobo, but she did.

I came home from school one day to find my mother in a chipper mood.  She was cooking and humming and smiling like someone who had just recently been granted a reprieve from their lifelong sentence in a mental institution.   She greeted me as I walked in the door:  "Hi sweetheart!  How was your day?"

Me:  "Good...."  I was suspicious already.

Mom:  "Did you learn anything in school?"

Me: "Oh, just the usual - like how to cook meth and give a blow job... what's going on?"

Mom: "What?  Oh, nothing..."  (She looked away and began chuckling to herself)  "Are you going to go into your room?"

I dropped my books and backpack on the floor and sprinted to my room, at which point I noticed the sound-dampening super-fort that my mother had built for me.

Me:  "Mom?  What is this?"

Mom:  "That's your new home, Sweetie"

Me:  "But I live in a tent... remember?"

Mom:  "Oh, your dad and I already packed up the tent.  We thought you wouldn't miss it once you saw that we made this for you instead."

Me:  "You want me to live in a box in my own room?"

Mom:  "It's made out of soundboard so you won't be able to hear the cat.  It will be fun!  Like living in a fort.  You used to love forts when you were little."

Me:  "Yeah, but that's because I was five, Mom."

Mom: (looking a little hurt) "You don't like it?"

Me: (feeling guilty for hurting my mom's feelings) "No... I... I like it.  It's just that... I don't know how you think that this is a better idea than a tent."

Mom: "It's November, Allie.  We live in Idaho.  It is going to snow soon and there are bears and mountain lions. They are going to be attracted by the food you are hoarding out there and then they will eat you and you'll die."

Me: "What do I do when my friends come over?"

Mom: "Ask them if they want to see your awesome fort?"

Me:  "Normal parents don't do this to their children, Mom."

Mom: "Just go check out your fort.  I put up all of your pictures inside of it and everything."

I reluctantly crawled inside the box/fort.   It wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be.  My mom had indeed hung up pictures of me and my friends.  She may have tried to sneak in a family picture or two.  I couldn't stand up inside of it, but I could crawl around comfortably.  And my mom was right - I couldn't hear the cat.

I lived in the box-fort for close to six months before we moved and I finally got my own room for the first time in my life.  It almost seemed cruel that I had to go away to college to live in a cramped dorm room with a passive-aggressive crazy person so soon after finally discovering the freedom of having my own space.

Up next: The passive aggressive roommate.